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    How Long Do Shrooms Take to Kick In?

    Magic mushrooms or shrooms, are a popular psychedelic substance known for their hallucinogenic effects, primarily due to their active compound, psilocybin. While the experience of taking shrooms can vary greatly between individuals, one of the most common questions users have is how long it takes for shrooms to kick in.

    This article explores the factors that influence the onset time of shrooms, helping you better understand what to expect when consuming them.

    What Are Shrooms?

    Shrooms contain psilocybin, a naturally occurring psychedelic compound that affects serotonin receptors in the brain. Once ingested, the body converts psilocybin into psilocin, the compound responsible for the psychoactive effects. These effects include altered perceptions, hallucinations, and changes in mood, among other things. The onset of these effects depends on several factors that we’ll explore below.

    Factors Affecting How Long Shrooms Take to Kick In:

    1. Method of Consumption:

    • Eating Raw or Dried Shrooms: This is the most common method of consumption. When shrooms are eaten, the digestive process breaks down the psilocybin, which can take anywhere from 30 to 60 minutes before effects are noticeable.
    • Consuming Shroom Tea: Drinking shroom tea may lead to faster absorption because the psilocybin is already partially dissolved. Users can typically feel effects within 10 to 30 minutes.
    • Other Methods (Capsules, Edibles, etc.): Ingesting shrooms in capsules or edibles can vary in onset depending on the method of preparation. Capsules may take longer due to the additional time required to dissolve in the stomach, while edibles can have a similar timeframe to raw shrooms.

    2. Dosage:

    • The amount of shrooms consumed plays a major role in how quickly you’ll feel the effects. Higher doses tend to kick in more quickly and intensely, while smaller doses may take longer to produce noticeable effects.

    3. Individual Tolerance and Sensitivity:

    • Every person’s body reacts differently to psilocybin. First-time users may be more sensitive to the effects and feel them sooner than seasoned users with a higher tolerance. Experienced users might find that they need a higher dose for quicker onset.

    4. Metabolism and Body Weight:

    • People with faster metabolisms tend to absorb and process psilocybin more quickly, which can shorten the time it takes to feel the effects. Additionally, body weight can influence how long it takes for the substance to spread through the system. Heavier individuals may experience a delay in onset.

    5. Empty vs. Full Stomach:

    • Consuming shrooms on an empty stomach typically results in a quicker onset of effects, as there’s nothing else in the digestive system to slow down absorption. Conversely, eating a large meal before taking shrooms can delay the onset, sometimes by over an hour.

      How Long Do Shrooms Take to Kick In?

      For most people, the effects of shrooms begin to kick in within 20 minutes to 1 hour after consumption. This range depends largely on the factors mentioned above, particularly the method of consumption and whether the stomach is empty.

      Those who consume shroom tea or take the substance on an empty stomach may feel effects much sooner, while those who eat a meal first or take capsules might wait longer.

      What to Expect During the Onset Period?

      As the effects of shrooms begin to take hold, users may experience a variety of sensations. Some common early signs include:

      • A feeling of lightness or floating.
      • Slight visual distortions, such as colors appearing more vibrant.
      • Euphoria or an altered sense of mood.
      • An increase in tactile sensitivity.

      These sensations typically build gradually, leading to the peak phase of the trip.

      Shrooms Peak Effects and Duration:

      The peak effects of shrooms are usually felt between 60 to 90 minutes after ingestion, though this timeframe can vary based on dosage and individual factors. Once the effects peak, users can expect the trip to last anywhere from 4 to 6 hours, with a gradual comedown afterward. The total duration of the experience can vary, but most trips last around 6 to 8 hours in total.

      Factors That Can Delay or Speed Up Onset:

      Certain factors can either delay or speed up the onset of shroom effects. These include:

      • Type of Shrooms: Different strains of magic mushrooms have varying levels of psilocybin, which can affect the onset time.
      • Substance Interactions: Consuming alcohol or other substances can slow down the absorption of psilocybin, while some people find that taking shrooms with citrus fruits like lemon (a method known as lemon tekking) speeds up the onset.
      • Hydration Levels: Staying hydrated is important, but drinking large amounts of water right before taking shrooms may slow absorption slightly.


      The time it takes for shrooms to kick in varies from person to person and depends on several factors, including the method of consumption, dosage, metabolism, and whether you’ve eaten beforehand. Generally, users can expect to feel effects within 20 to 60 minutes, with the trip lasting several hours. Understanding these factors can help you have a safer and more enjoyable psychedelic experience.

      FAQs About Shrooms

      Can shrooms kick in faster with certain foods or drinks?

      Yes, consuming shrooms with citrus juice (like lemon) can help speed up the onset due to the acidic environment helping to break down psilocybin more quickly.

      What if I don’t feel anything after an hour? Should I take more?

      It’s generally advised to wait at least 90 minutes before considering taking more. Effects can be delayed for some users, especially after eating or consuming a low dose. Be cautious with dosing to avoid an unexpectedly intense trip.

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