Monday, January 20, 2025

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    Choosing The Right Clothes for Your Body Shape

    Finding the right sized clothes can be a source of endless frustration if you don’t know how to dress for your body type. Something looks good on someone else, but then when you try it on, it just doesn’t look right. Not only that, but you start to feel less confident and self-conscious about what you’re wearing, unsure of whether your own clothes suit you or work well together.

    Understand your body shape and type, however, and you can take your power back! You learn what suits you and, when you slip on these fine-fitting clothes, feel unstoppable. Below is a look at different body shapes and the types of clothes you might wear for them.


    A triangular shape means you’re broader around the waist and hips in relation to the top part of your body. When choosing clothing, stay away from skinnier fits, fitted polo shirts and brighter colors or busier designs. Choose vertical stripes, which slim down the upper body; structured shoulders, which square off the body rather than highlight the slender shoulders; and single-breasted suits, which again deliver a slimmer aesthetic.

    Inverted Triangle

    The inverted triangle shape features a slender waist, broad shoulders and a well-developed chest. Close-fitting is the way to go for this shape. Straight-legged trousers would be better than skinnier fits, however. Slim-fit T-shirts work well, hinting at your fitness rather than screaming about it. Choose horizontal stripes to broaden your thinner waist. Avoid prints and patterns, as they’ll draw attention to your shoulders and throw everything out of proportion.


    Men who have a rectangular body shape often have a tall, thin frame, and their shoulders are roughly as wide as their hips. Horizontal stripes are ideal for this body shape, adding bulk to the frame. This is also true of structured tailoring, layered looks, prints and pops of color.

    Avoid double-breasted jackets. The rectangular-shaped tailoring will do nothing for your body, so go for a single-breasted style that has plenty of structure in the shoulders. If not going for a smart look, create shape by layering your clothes. A cardigan over a white T-shirt would be one example.


    If you have an oval-shaped body, the center of your torso will be broader than your shoulders and your hips, and your limbs are likely to be shorter but, at their midpoints, wider. When it comes to choosing your clothes, framing, and slimming are the priorities.

    It’s good to wear trousers comfortably loose, rather than pinched tightly around the waist. Shirts also shouldn’t pinch too much (broad collared shirts are better). Suspenders will work wonders, holding out the trouser front slightly so that it falls smoothly past the crotch. If buying trousers and you have large thighs or a bigger bottom, the pleats will widen the trousers slightly, providing more comfort.

    Avoid anything that fits too tightly on the torso. Such garments will highlight your body’s bulk and make you seem desperate in your clothing choices. Patterns are another bad idea, as they draw attention to your midsection.


    This is an average build, athletic and fairly slim, with the waist being the narrowest point on the torso. The danger here is of not standing out in the crowd. Use sport-based modern looks to your advantage.

    Vertical stripes will make you seem taller, whereas checks and plaids will add bulk horizontally to your frame. You should choose which one to go for depending on your height. A blazer or a jacket will make your waist seem slimmer. When choosing trousers, a close fit will work well.

    Avoid anything baggy or loose. Steer clear of anything that’s too plain or generic so that you can stand out and stay above average.

    Understanding your body shape will help you to choose the best clothes so you can step outside feeling like you can take on the world. It’s time to hit the clothes stores, online or offline, and start putting together that perfect wardrobe.

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