10 Best Effective Calisthenics Workout to Build Muscles

Calisthenics Workout

Are you looking for effective workouts, which can help you with developing your muscles? Then you are strongly encouraged to take a look at the Calisthenics workout.

You don’t need to purchase a gym membership in order to become fit. Simple workouts, which you can do from the comfort of your own home are in a position to deliver the positive results. To engage with these workouts at home, you don’t need to buy any expensive workout equipment as well. You can simply stick to few Calisthenics workout sessions. They can provide you with the chance to become fit and build muscles in a convenient manner. You will be impressed with the outstanding results that would come on your way as well.

The beauty of Calisthenics workouts is to help you develop your muscles without the need to use any balls, barbells or balls. Instead, you will be focusing more on the stretching exercises, which can deliver a range of cardiovascular health benefits to you.

Why Should You Stick To Calisthenics Workouts?

Before we take a look at some of the best Calisthenics workout sessions that you can follow at home, let’s take a look at the reasons available for you to spend your time with them. Then you will be convinced to go through the 10 Calisthenics exercises that we recommend and select the best ones out of them.

Calisthenics exercises are in a position to deliver a perfect assistance to you with developing your muscles. On the other hand, you will also be able to strengthen your muscles effectively with the help of Calisthenics. The best thing about these exercises is that you don’t need to get hold of any gym equipment, such as dumbbells or barbells to get the job done.

According to health and fitness enthusiasts, Calisthenics exercises are in a position to provide an excellent assistance to you with improving your agility, balance and coordination. These are not very easy to achieve, but the Calisthenics workouts can provide you with much-needed assistance. On the other hand, they are in a position to help you improve your flexibility, strength and stamina as well. With that, you can improve your overall endurance levels as well.

If you are an athlete, you must be looking for the most effective methods that are available for you to stay away from joint and muscle injuries. That’s where Calisthenics exercises can help you with. When you subject yourself to extensive workouts, including weight lifting for the development of muscles, you will have to struggle hard to get the work done. That’s where Calisthenics exercises can provide much-needed support and assistance to you with.

The beauty of Calisthenics exercises is that people in all age categories will be able to go ahead with it, regardless of gender. You will find it as an easy task to get used to the workout and follow it. Once you get hold of the basics, you will love to engage more with the workout and receive the positive results that come on your way.

In the long run, the Calisthenics workouts can provide you with the chance to take more control over your body. Therefore, you will be in a position to get the most out of your body without any hassle.

People who are looking forward to burn more calories and achieve their weight loss objectives can take a look at the Calisthenics workouts as well. These exercises are in a position to help you burn a higher amount of calories when compared to the other workouts.

In the meantime, you can follow these workouts with the objective of building lean muscles. They ensure that you will never get bulky looking muscles. You can add on more weight and develop lean muscles, which look really great.

You don’t even need to have any special skills or capabilities to engage with Calisthenics. If you have some time to spend at home on the workouts, you can get started with it. These exercises are strongly recommended for the beginners as well. You can engage with the workouts and receive all the impressive results that come on your way.

Top 10 Calisthenics Workouts

Now you are aware of all the good reasons available to go ahead with Calisthenics workouts. With that in mind, you can take a look at these Calisthenics workouts. You can pick one or more of these workouts according to your preferences and follow them. All these workouts can be done at the comfort of your home. Therefore, you can get started with any of them right away.

#1. Bicycle Crunches :

Bicycle Crunches

Bicycle crunches is one of the most popular Calisthenics exercises that you can try out at home. This workout has got the ability to improve the strength of your legs and core. Any person who wants to develop a strong core can proceed with this workout.

To begin bicycle crunches workout, you need to lie down flat on the back. You need to keep the body straight. Your belly button should be sucked in. With that, your abs must remain tight. Now you can put the hands behind your head, while keeping the elbows pointing out. In that position, you can left the legs and bend the knees.

You should do it until your thighs are located perpendicular to the ground. Now you can lift the head up and crunch the upper abs. You need to try your best to touch the left knee using the right elbow and vice versa, one at a time. You should do this for 15 times. Likewise, you must do 3 reps.

#2. Front And Back Lunge :

Front And Back Lunge

Front and back lunges are focusing more on your thighs, butt and abs. It is an altered variation of lunges. In here, you will be doing the front lunge first, which is followed up by the back lunge. You are using the same legs to do it. This can put a lot of extra pressure on the thigh muscles.

You can start front and back lunge by standing erect. You need to keep the two feet apart from each other. In that position, you should take the right foot one step forward and lunge. You can do it by bending the left knee down. Now you need to make sure that the right knee is located above the heel.

The thigh should remain parallel to the floor. While remaining in that position, you can put pressure to the left heel. Then you can straighten up and get your feet together. After that, you need to get the right handed leg back and lower down it to the lunge.

To continue with front and back lunge, you need to repeat these steps for 15 times. In fact, you need to do 15 repetitions with your right leg and then move to the left leg to do the other 15 reps. With that, you can end up with effective results.

#3. Prisoner Squat Jumps :

Prisoner Squat Jumps

Prisoner squat jumps are in a position to provide you with a comprehensive body workout. It is an enhanced version of the traditional squat jumps, which most of us are familiar with. However, you will be positioning your arms in a different way, so that you are providing extra attention towards the core. With that, you will be opening up the chest and tightening the muscles that are located in your upper back.

To can start off this workout by standing in an erect posture. Your feet should be kept apart from each other. Now you can keep the hands behind the head, while holding the elbows high. You should also make sure that the elbows are pointing in opposite directions.

Remaining in the same position, you need to squat down while keeping the torso forward. You need to keep the knees above the heels and spine straight at all times.

Now you can jump to the air, while straightening up the body. You need to aim to jump as much as you can. While you jump, you should not attempt to move the hands. After you jump, you need to land back softly. You can repeat these jumps for 15 times to get the best possible results.

#4. Jumping Jacks :

Jumping Jacks

Jumping jacks is one of the most popular and common calisthenics workout methods available for you to consider. The main reason behind the popularity of jumping jacks is that it can assist you with burning a higher amount of calories. On the other hand, it can offer much needed assistance with straightening your body as well. Any person who is looking for a perfect cardio workout to do at home can go ahead with it.

It can provide a range of benefits to your lungs and heart. Therefore, it is identified as one of the foundation calisthenics exercises available for the people to consider as well.

To engage with jumping jacks, you need to stand straight. You need to remain in the erect position, while keeping the feet together. You should also bring the arms closer to your body. Now you can take a deep breath and jump up in the air. While you jump, you need to kick the legs and open them out wide. In the meantime, you can also raise the arms overhead. It is better if you can clap and join the hands while your body is in the air.

Now you have completed one part of jumping jacks. To continue with the next part, you should jump again. In here, you need to get the hands down. At the end of the second jump, you need to make sure that your feet remains together as well.

To end up with best results, you need to continue with jumping jacks for about 30 to 50 reps. It is possible for you to vary the speed according to the amount of experience that you have with jumping jacks. If the speed is high, you can receive better results out of it.

#5. Burpees :


Burpees is another common workout that you can see among the calisthenics exercises. It can provide a workout to your entire body. If you want to burn fat efficiently, this is one of the best opportunities available out there to consider. In the meantime, you can get the help of burpees to strengthen your cardio as well.

To begin with burpees, you need to stand straight in an erect posture. You need to keep the shoulders back and abs tight. In that position, you can get down to a squat position. You should now keep the hands on the floor. The hands should be located in front of your feet.

While remaining in that position, you need to balance the total body weight with the hands. Then you can jump and thrust the body and come back into a plank position. After you get to the plank position, you should get to the previous position and stand. You can repeat burpees for 15 to 20 times.

It is also possible for you to intensity this workout. If you want to do it, you should do a push up after you get to the plank position. It can provide you with even better results.

#6. Hip Raise Along With Leg Lift :

Hip Raise Along With Leg Lift

This calisthenics exercise is focusing on your butts, lower abs and belly. Any person can effectively engage with this workout as well. Any person who is trying to overcome belly fat will be able to try this workout as well.

To begin with leg raise, you need to lie down on the back, while keeping your face up. The abs should be tightened and the back should be kept straight. While remaining in that position, you need to bend the knees. With that, you should keep the feet on the floor as well. Now you can raise the butt from the floor, so that your back and thighs make a straight line.

As the next step, you can lift on leg straight up. If you are a beginner, you will not be able to do this. In such a situation, it is perfectly fine to bend the knee a bit. Now you can lower the butt.

You should lower it as much as possible, but you need to make sure that you are not touching the floor. Then you can raise back up. You can continue with this workout for a duration of two minutes to end up with the best possible results.

#7. Superman :


Superman is among the top calisthenics exercises. It can deliver impressive results to both your upper back as well as the lower back. Along with that, special attention will be paid towards all the small muscles that are located in your body as well.

The beauty of this calisthenics exercise is that it is completely beginner friendly. Therefore, you can even try this as your first calisthenics exercise. On the other hand, you can also think about following calisthenics as a rest exercise between the high intensity moves you do.

To get started with superman, you should lie in the prone position. In other words, you should lie on your stomach. The arms should be placed by your sides, while keeping them straight. Now you can lift the arms and the legs, until the moment your thighs are lifted from the floor.

The chest should also be lifted slightly. Now you can go for a sweeping position by pushing the arms and legs out as possible. Now you should return back into the original position. You are encouraged to do 15 reps of this calisthenics workout to receive the best results.

#8. Tricep dips :

Tricep dips

Tricep dips can be considered as the best calisthenics exercise available for the people who want to develop their triceps. If you are concerned more about the way how your triceps are, you should go ahead with this. This is also a foundation calisthenics exercise.

Therefore, beginners to calisthenics exercises should try this out. Before you begin, you need to make sure that you have to get the assistance of a raised surface or a bench to go ahead with calisthenics. Otherwise, it will not be possible for you to do the dips.

You can now sit on a bench or chair, which you are going to use for the dips. Now you need to grip both ends of the chair by the sides and push your body forward. You still need to grip the ends of the bench. This will help you to come to a position, which is similar to sitting on a chair. This should be the position that you should remain in to engage with the triceps dips.

Now you need to bend the elbows and lower down the body. You need to do this until your triceps are parallel to ground. After that, you can push back and get into the original position. To receive the best results, you need to continue with triceps dips for 15 reps.

#9. One Leg Push Ups :

One Leg Push Ups

One leg push-ups are targeting your biceps, triceps, shoulders, core and the chest. It is a completely new variant of traditional push ups. In fact, it is more advanced compared to the push ups that you are familiar with. That’s because you are focusing more on the back muscles and the shoulders. In the meantime, you are working on the arms and the core as well.

You can begin by staying in the basic push up position. The toes and the hands should remain aligned with the back, which is kept straight. You need to keep the abs tight as well. Now you need to place the hands under the shoulders and raise one leg from the ground.

As the next step, you need to lower your body while you are bending the elbows. You should also push them to the sides. You need to get low as much as possible, but you need to be careful that you are not touching the floor. Once you get to the lowest possible point, you can push up and do repeat the same. You should continue with this for 15 reps.

#10. Forearm Push Ups :

Forearm Push Ups

The forearm push ups are focusing more on the arms, core and the shoulders. This is a variation that you can see from plank. According to fitness enthusiasts, this is one of the best options available for you to strengthen the core as well.

You need to begin with this workout by remaining in the plank position. You need to keep the abs tight. The spine should be kept straight as well. Now you can get to the forearms by bending the elbows. You need to bend one elbow at a time. You need to get back to the original plank position as the next step. You should do this by straightening the arms one by one.

The workout can be repeated for 15 times to get the best possible results.


These are 10 of the best calisthenics exercises that you can do at home. Any person can go ahead with these workouts. They can deliver impressive results to your entire body. As you can see, you don’t need to have any special skills or special equipment to follow them as well. Therefore, you are strongly encouraged to go ahead with the calisthenics workouts sessions.

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