Tuesday, January 21, 2025

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    7 Special Accessories For His Style

    Are you meeting a dapper gentleman whose fashion style turns heads and encourages looks of envy and admiration? Would your man’s closet rival those of some Insta-famous Fashion Influencer? Perhaps you and your partner both enjoy preparing stylish ensembles and people regard the two of you as having good eyes for the latest trends. The perfect gift for this type of man? A stylish accessory to perfectly complement his overall look.

    Whether you are looking for something thoughtful to purchase your man for Valentine’s Day, a birthday or just because, we’ve drawn up some fashionable suggestions to give you a little food for thought.


    We have already established that your partner is the trendy, well-dressed type. With that considered then, hopefully he also realizes that rough, calloused hands are not a “thing”. Hand moisturizer can only do so much in keeping your man’s hands baby soft, so a stylish pair of leather gloves help do the rest of the work. Leather gloves exist to serve a number of purposes – they look great, they protect him from the cold, and they make sure that you don’t have to hold hands with someone’s chapped hoof-like hands. Perfect!

    A Personalized Leather Wallet

    A personalized leather wallet is not just an attractive fashion accessory, it is a gift for everyday use – something your man is guaranteed to use again and again on a day-to-day basis. A brown or a black leather wallet oozes effortless style. It is something that complements any outfit. Though a wallet is something that is generally tucked out of view, a nice wallet is sure to impress when it comes to the time where the bill needs to be paid at the restaurant or similar.

    The best part of this type of gift? It can be personalized! Though many people hear “personalization” and shudder at the concept of tacky keyrings and such like, personalization can actually be tasteful and classy. Have your man’s initials carved into the corners of the soft leather. He will surely be touched by your thoughtfulness.

    A Pocket Watch

    Depending on your man’s personal sense of style, a pocket watch may well be the perfect accessory for him. The classic pocket watch has been making a reappearance in recent years – especially for use on special occasions such as wedding ceremonies and black tie events. If your man likes the old fashioned, formal fashion style, or he thinks of himself as a heydey Robert Redford, he will surely love unboxing an elegant pocket watch.

    A Man Bag or Briefcase

    The man bag can be a controversial topic. However with luxury Designer brands like Louis Vuitton, Hugo Boss and Gucci all stocking man bags in their catalogues, one cannot argue with the trend. Arguably it’s important to establish how your man feels on the man bag front before making the investment. If you’ve seen him use them previously, or he has commented on how well they match certain ensembles then you are good to go. Afterall, a man has stuff he needs to carry just as much as a woman does, okay?

    The alternative to gifting a man a man bag could be buying him a nice briefcase instead. If you have seen him using a bland briefcase or laptop bag to transport his things to and from the office each day, it’s time to get him an upgrade.

    A Stylish Tie

    If your man is a frequent wearer of suits, he can never have too many ties. Ties in different colors and patterns add a completely different look to a suit and shirt combination. A tie is a good “safe” choice as it should be easy to identify a tie that you know your man will wear. Depending on the price tag, you could also buy him a selection of ties to wrap up.

    A Nice Scarf

    A nice scarf will never go amiss and is always something that your partner will get a lot of use out of. A high quality, beautiful scarf has the potential to last for many years. You can either opt for a snuggly (yet classy) cashmere scarf that will look great and keep him warm in the winter months, or something that makes more of a fashion statement such as a bold, envy-inducing printed Hermes scarf.

    A Washbag

    If your man travels a lot – whether for business or for pleasure, a wash bag is the perfect gift item. You have a number of options and materials to choose from here, but leather wash bags are the ultimate in gentlemanly style. These items prevent his shampoos, dental products and shower gels from getting lost or spilling out in his suitcase, and look excellent while doing so!

    Ultimately “style” is something very personal and has a different interpretation from one person to another. You know your man and his dress sense better than anyone else. You can opt for designs and patterns that are as sleek or as eccentric as you see fit. Many of these items do not have to break the bank either. It is more about the look and feel of the products than the brand name.

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