Tuesday, January 21, 2025

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    Breast Cancer Treatment in Turkey – Time to Choose The Best for Yourself

    Today, breast cancer treatment in Turkey combines innovative methods with an acceptable pricing policy of medical institutions. Taking into account the statistics of the last decade, the country has become one of the five leaders in the sphere of medical tourism, which successfully accepts thousands of foreign citizens with cancer. It is worth noting that the breast cancer treatment cost in Turkey is lower than in most countries.

    Thanks to the government funding (10% of Turkey’s budget is allocated to the health sector) and active US investment in the Turkish medicine, treatment in oncology centers have managed to reach a new level of service provision and meet world standards. This is also confirmed by the fact that 48 clinics in the country have Joint Commission International (JCI) accreditation certificate.

    Risk factors

    In most cases, breast cancer occurs without any obvious cause. Only 10% of cases are hereditary due to mutations in the BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes. It is estimated that the mutation increases the risk of breast cancer by 60-80%, so in some European countries, this is an indication for preventive mastectomy (complete breast removal).

    Risk factors that cannot be modified:

    • Sex – men are less likely to develop the disease than women (maybe due to a mutation in their genes).
    • Age – 90% of diseases are diagnosed at the age of over 40 years.
    • Genetic predisposition, presence of mutations in BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes.
    • Benign precancerous mammary gland diseases.
    • Irradiation of the chest in history.
    • Early start of menstruation (before 12 years), late menopause (after 55 years).

    But there are also modifiable risk factors, correction of which will significantly reduce the likelihood of breast cancer development:

    • Obesity.
    • Steroid hormones intake, prolonged use of hormonal contraceptives.
    • Alcohol abuse, smoking.
    • Insufficient physical activity.
    • Working the night shifts.

    The symptoms of the disease

    These symptoms do not always clearly indicate breast cancer. However, only a specialist can rule out malignant disease. If you notice one or more symptoms, you should visit a specialist:

    • Local thickening of the chest.
    • Changes in the size or shape of the mammary gland.
    • Skin changes, peeling, pulling of a certain area.
    • Retracted nipple.
    • Redness of the mammary gland or part of it.
    • Skin resembling an orange peel.

    When examining the breast, doctors may reveal clinical signs of cancer. But the only way to confirm or deny the diagnosis is to take a tissue sample from the suspected area and examine it under a microscope. The most common is a fine needle aspiration biopsy with a histological examination of the tissue sample.

    If the diagnosis is confirmed, an immunohistochemical examination is performed, and the molecular features of the tumor are studied. To assess the spread of the disease in the body ultrasound examination, computed tomography, or magnetic resonance imaging may be performed.

    Current approaches to breast cancer treatment

    Modern cancer treatment abroad gives patients the possibility to return to their usual way of life, achieving complete remission and forgetting about their disease. The country’s medical centers offer a comprehensive approach to the treatment of malignant tumors. Success in the treatment of cancer patients is also explained by the introduction of German and American medical protocols.

    Breast cancer treatment in Turkey is carried out using the following methods:

    • Surgical methods.
    • Radiation therapy.
    • Chemotherapy.
    • Hormonal therapy.
    • Immunological medicines.

    Modern Turkish hospitals actively use innovative therapeutic methods for the treatment of breast cancer patients:

    • Automated surgical treatment – da Vinci robotic system.
    • Percutaneous ablation of tumors and metastases.
    • Nano-Knife – local destruction of a tumor.
    • Modern methods of focal radiation therapy.

    An example of a modern clinic is the Memorial Cancer Center, where you can undergo successful cancer treatment in Turkey. The clinic was the first medical institution in Turkey to receive JCI certificate. The Memorial Oncological Centre provides patients with a full range of medical services including diagnostic, therapeutic and rehabilitation measures for adults and children. You can find information about breast cancer treatment costs in Turkey by contacting Booking Health. This company has many years of experience and thousands of positive reviews.

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