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    Dr. Nowzaradan’s 1200 Calorie Diet Plan | Weight Loss Secret

    Have you ever visited the TLC television network? Or might have watched the “My 600-lb Life” reality show on the TLC network. Then you might be familiar with Dr Nowzaradan 1200 calorie diet plan. Dr Now’s diet plan is quite effective and is actualized for massive weight loss.

    Losing weight isn’t easy. It takes a lot of effort and patience to lose just an ounce of calories. Two years ago, I got some back issues due to which my lifestyle turned sedentary. I gained a lot of weight. After trying thousands of methods and exercises, I turned to Dr Now’s plan. Contrary to my expectations, it worked wonders for me. So, I decided to share my experience with you guys.

    Dr Nowzaradan 1200 Calorie Diet Plan:

    It is a restrictive eating plan to lose weight. The patient has to reduce calorie intake down to 1200 calories per day. The diet of American people contains 3600 calories approximately. So, a sharp decrease to 1200 calories might be difficult for patients, but they have to do that before bariatric surgery.

    This diet plan is recommended for those who have 600+ pounds of weight. The diet plan prepares the patients for bariatric surgery because the surgery for weight loss is a life commitment. Patients have to lose weight before surgery as well as after surgery. So, they have to follow a proper diet plan for an extended period. After surgery, the patients have to establish a new eating plan for their new stomach.

    Who is Dr. Nowzaradan?

    Dr. Nowzaradan

    Younan Nowzradan is an Iranian American surgeon and a prominent figure of society. He is a bariatric surgeon who got fame due to his show “My 600-lb Life” on TLC television. Dr Now has been helping people lose weight for more than three decades. The people who are suffering from morbid obesity and want to lose weight have to follow a strict diet plan before surgery.

    Surgery for obesity is a high-risk operation than any other medical procedure. The diet plan of Dr Now reduces the risk involved in bariatric surgery. According to research, a 1200 calorie diet plan proves more effective than 1500 or 900 calorie diet plans. This diet plan will lead to a reduction in the hunger hormone (leptin).

    Dr Nowzaradan Educational Background:

    Dr Younan Nowzaradan is an author and surgeon in Texas. He performs bariatric Surgery, vascular Surgery, and General Surgery. Typically, he works with super-morbidly obese patients with a strict eating plan and exercise.

    • He was born on October 11, 1944, in Iran.
    • He did his graduation from the University of Tehran, Iran in 1970.
    • Dr Now started his medical practice at Louis University in 1971.
    • After that, he did his internship at St. Johns hospital.
    • In St. Thomas hospital, he completed his surgical residency.

    Specialties and Medical Career:

    Dr Nowzaradan has done specialization in Laparoscopic and Bariatric surgeries. The people weighting 600 pounds undergo weight-loss surgeries to remove excess massive skin.

    Dr Nowzaradan has experience of more than 40-years and practiced in different hospitals like the free street hospital, doctor’s hospital, and university general hospital. The main focus of Dr Now is to maintain a balanced diet and reduce the intake of calories.

    The two famous books “Last chance to Live and The Scales don’t lie, people do” have been written by Dr Nowzaradan. In these books, he has clearly described the harms and effects of excess weight on a person’s body. He also discussed the procedure of surgeries and micro-nutrients level to overcome morbid obesity.

    TLC show, “My 600-lb Life.”

    This reality television series goes through the life of millions of people to save them from risks of obesity. The people who are suffering from morbid obesity (i.e. weigh more than 600 pounds or 270 kg) have successfully achieved their goals of weight loss by Dr nowzaradan 1200 calorie diet plan.

    In this TV show, each episode comprises the one year life of a morbidly obese person. Dr Now offers them a productive and healthy diet plan to follow. Many patients lose enough weight that they do not bother to go through bariatric surgery. But if someone doesn’t lose enough weight, then he undergoes through surgery performed by Dr Nowzaradan.

    Dr Now 1200 Calorie Diet Plan | Benefits

    Dr Nowzaradan 1200 calorie diet is best suited for obese patients. Before the Bariatric surgery, the patients have to follow the strict eating plan to lose excess skin. The people weighing 600 pounds are at considerable risk. There is the key to cut down excessive uptake of calories in daily diet.

    The main benefit of this diet plan is the rapid loss of weight. When the intake of calories is reduced to 1200 per day, the body of the patient burns its deposited fat. Initially, it is difficult to maintain the balance, but when you are habituated with this diet plan, you will not feel hunger.

    The diet plan includes high protein contents and low fats. The low-fat concentration will reduce the weight by lowering the calories and crab products. It is a little bit difficult to build these habits, but consistency will bring better results.

    Weight loss with NOM:

    NOM is an application that is introduced to lower the weight of obese persons. This app will help people to maintain their diet and build better habits to achieve the goal of weight loss. It will set your mindset towards a healthy lifestyle and will change your ways of living.

    NOM will trigger your food and make your choices healthier overall. It will help people to achieve short-term and long-term goals by developing practical skills in them. The people who do some physical activity do not get over-weight.

    Weight loss with Bistro MD:

    Bistro MD will help you to prepare a healthy and nutritional diet within a couple of minutes. It is a doctor-designed food delivery program developed to overcome the barrier towards a healthy diet. You can select a dietary plan according to your nutritional requirements.

    Bistro MD offers 150 delicious meals prepared by chefs to eat within 5 minutes. If you are looking for the best dietary foods free from diabetes and/or gluten, choose the Bistro MD services.

    Dr Now has introduced separate plans for both males and females according to their per day requirements. His scheme presents 1500 calories per day for men and an average of 1200 calories per day for women.

    Pre-bariatric Surgery Diet Plan:

    The diet plan of each individual is specific for him to lose weight before surgery. Dr Now recommends the patients not to exceed the limit of 1200 calories per day as it is hard to achieve all the nutrients required by the body with this limited calorie intake. But the diet plan will ensure you a healthy and balanced diet.

    The diet plan depends upon the weight and lifestyle of the patient. So, that’s the reason the diet plan varies between 800-1200 calories as per each patient’s requirements. Although the diet plan of each patient depends upon several factors which are enlisted below:

    • Age of patient
    • Current diet plan
    • Gender
    • Pre-surgery weight of the patient
    • Patient’s goal weight
    • Medical issues
    • Health issues of patient

    1200 calorie Diet and Bariatric Surgery:

    The 1200 calorie diet plan is a crucial element. It reduces the risk of surgery as well as makes a patient healthy. Therefore the diet plan is vitally important and has several other benefits.

    • Quick weight loss of patients
    • Development of a healthier diet plan
    • Commitment to a healthy lifestyle

    As bariatric surgery of weight loss is a severe procedure to get rid of excess skin. The diet plan before surgery helps them to prepare their stomach for afterwards life. The volume of the stomach is reduced so that people can not eat much as earlier. So, addressing these low eating habits before surgery is much useful for the patient. And it will help the patient to adjust with a new small stomach more quickly.

    In another way, it is testing to check the commitment of the patient and his behavior towards serious surgery. The surgery will result in better weight loss if the patient has strong willpower to control all the emotions, cravings, and triggers towards food. This pre-surgery diet will resolve all the problems which you have to face after Bariatric surgery.

    Dr Nowzaradan Diet Plan Menu:

    Your Diet Plan

    Experts establish the Dr Nowzaradan 1200 calorie diet plan, and unfortunately, it is not present on the internet. I have mentioned all the food items that are not allowed to eat. And discussed the food items to eat in the 1200 calorie diet plan.

    Here is a sample menu for the diet plan of Dr Nowzaradan:


    In breakfast, the patient has to take 405 calories.

    • Eat one egg & 1 egg white without frying. It will give 105 calories.
    • Eat 2 oz cooked with turkey sausage. It contains 130 calories.
    • Use one slice of wheat toast, which is equal to 80 calories.
    • Eat 0.5 of low-fat cheese which gives 90 calories.
    • Use excess water or green tea.


    In lunch, you have to take 305 calories.

    • Drink a tuna can containing 200 calories.
    • Take one teaspoon of mayo cheese to get 50 calories.
    • Take 2 cups of spinach to get 40 calories.
    • Eat fresh carrots which will give 60 calories.
    • And an excess of water or green tea.


    In dinner, the patient is recommended to take 280 calories.

    • Eat 3 oz of grilled chicken to get 130 calories.
    • Take 2 cups of steamed broccoli to get 100 calories.
    • Eat 1 oz of cheddar cheese which will give 50 calories.
    • Take plenty of water or tea.

    Snack time:

    In Snack time, patients have to take 135 calories.

    • 2 oz of turkey bread slice which gives 75 calories.
    • And one slice of swiss cheese to gain 60 calories.

    By following this diet plant recommended by Dr Now, the patient will burn a total of 1170 calories. And soon will get rid of excess weight.

    Essential Food Groups:

    Dr Nowzaradan recommends the following types of food groups to their patients. These food groups help patients to lose weight quickly. The men and women can consume an equal amount of these essential food groups.


    The grains are rich in fiber components and are used by both men and women equally. In men’s diet, 7-6 ounces of grain are required, and in women’s 5-6 ounces are necessary. Minimum of 3 servings must come from grains as one serving of grain comprises of ½ slice of bread. The sources of whole grains are brown rice, buckwheat, wild rice, and pasta.


    Use 3 cups of standard dairy products per day. The dairy products are rich with calcium and have low-fat content. You must have to use milk or its alternatives to meet with dairy requirements. The primary source of dairy products is butter, cheese, and milk from cows or sheep.


    The daily requirements of meat for men are 6-8 ounces and for women 4-6 ounces. The meat is a rich source of protein and contains several other nutrients. Do not use highly saturated meat as it provides a high content of fats. Use only poultry meat, seafood, fish meat, beans, and nuts.

    Vegetables and Fruits:

    The daily intake of fresh vegetables and fruits must be 5-9 servings. Use dark & bright color vegetable to get numerous bioflavonoids. The nutrient-rich vegetables and fruits include sweet pea, peach, bananas, oranges, and peas.

    Fats & Oils:

    The fats and oils required by men and women are 7-9 teaspoons per day. Fats & oil source includes seeds, oil, vegetable oil, and olive oil.


    The fiber intake is essential in the diet plan. The fibers are used to control the blood cholesterol level and maintains the digestive system. The daily intake of fiber must be between 20-25 grams for both men and women.

    1200 Calorie Diet Food List:

    Foods to Eat-1200 calorie Diet Plan

    The diet plan recommended by Dr Nowazaradan encourages people to eat only a healthy diet like vegetables, fruits, and lean protein. The high vegetable content in the food will reduce the exposure to chronic disease and lower the risk of dangerous surgeries. Vegetables do not contain many calories, but they fulfil the body’s nutrients requirements. The vegetables and fruits help the patients to lose weight more effectively.

    The lean protein helps the patient to recover quickly after Bariatric Surgery. The protein is rich in Amino Acid, which supports the rapid recovery of the patient. The 1200 diet plan recommended by Dr Nowzaradan cut off the supply of carbohydrates in patient’s diets. That’s why they quickly lose weight.

    These are some healthy food groups which are included in the 1200 calorie diet plan:

    • Eggs enriched with high protein content.
    • The protein extracted from plants like tofu & temp.
    • The kinds of seafood like shrimps, salmons, and mackerel.
    • Lean beef
    • In poultry meat Turkey chicken
    • Vegetables like spinach, broccoli, peppers, and tomatoes.
    • Apple and berries which have low sugar contents
    • Dairy products like cheese, butter, milk, and yoghurt.
    • Drinks having low calories like water, green tea, and black coffee.

    Foods that are Restricted in 1200 Calories Diet Plan:

    Food Restricted for Weight loss

    The food items which are not allowed to eat in Dr Nowzaradan 1200 calorie diet plan are as important as the food items to eat. You must have to avoid these products which have a high content of carbohydrates and a high sugar level. To lower the intake of calories in your per day diet, these items must be excluded from the food of the patient.

    • Sweets ( Artificial sugars)
    • Chocolates ( Dairy Milk & KitKat etc.)
    • Desserts and candies
    • Avoid sugar-rich fruits like bananas, cherries, mango, apple & grapes.
    • Snakes and Chips.
    • Vegetables that contain excess Strach like carrots, beans, and peas.
    • Nuts & butter.
    • Crackers
    • Food items that are rich in carbohydrates like pasta, cereals, and popcorns.
    • Rice
    • Juice
    • Soda, Honey, Syrup
    • Molasses & Alcohol
    • Energy & Sports beverages
    • Shakes
    • Loaves of bread
    • Jam & Jellies

    Why does Dr Nowzaradan recommend a 1200 calorie Diet Plan?

    Dr Nowzaradan’s 1200 calorie diet plan is a crucial step before Bariatric surgery. Dr Now has been working for more than three decades and has an experience of 40 years in this field of medicine. The 1200 calorie diet plan helps the patients to lose weight rapidly before undergoing a life-threatening procedure of surgery.

    This diet plan is designed to help those people having an excess weight of more than 600 pounds (270 kg) as the medical procedure has lots of risks to the patient’s life. By following the diet plan recommended by Dr Nowzaradan, the risk is minimized. This diet plan will lower the hunger hormone and helps the patient in losing weight more quickly.

    Why is it important to lose weight before surgery:

    Pre-surgery weight loss is an essential factor. The patient weighing 600 pounds are at higher risk during surgery. Pre-surgery weight loss increases the chance of a patient’s survival in this critical medical procedure. The main reason behind this pre-surgery weight loss is the patient’s dedication.

    Bariatric surgery is not magic as the patient does not lose hundreds of pounds of weight. But after surgery, it will be easy to reduce the weight quickly. To get a healthy weight, you have to do lots of work. So, before Surgery, Dr Now wants to know whether you are taking this life-threatening procedure serious or not. Only those people will get the surgery who are seriously committed and wants to change their lives.

    While it is difficult to know about the exact diet plan recommended by Dr Nowzaradan as it depends upon the patient’s health, weight, age, and several other factors, but in general it is divided into the following two categories:

    • Small portions
    • Food groups

    The patients have to eat real food which is free from preservatives. Real foods include grains, vegetables, fruits, butter, and fresh meat instead of junk foods. But the Americans mostly used pre-packed food which is preserved and is not a healthy choice.

    Dr Nowzaradan 1200 calorie diet plan contains only healthy food that has low calories but is rich in high protein content. This food is rich with low carb levels which helps the patient to lose weight quickly. However, the keto diet is not recommended by Dr Nowzaradan because it contains high-fat components and low carb level.

    Furthermore, many other consultants have conflict at this point as wether to use the keto diet to lose weight or not. But there is evidence that many people lose their weight by using the keto diet. But this high-fat diet is not recommended to morbidly obsessed patients.

    Dr Nowzaradan Weight Loss Tips

    need to start losing weight

    Dr Now recommends the patients not to eat snacks and fat-rich food components. Some researchers have suggested the following tips to lose weight rapidly.

    • Stop eating frequent meals it will lead to obesity.
    • Lower the intake of hypercaloric diet as it increases IHTG (Intrahepatic Triglyceride Content). It will lower the excess skin on the waist.
    • Keep your carb level low by using fruits.
    • Eat a proper portion of protein in your diet.
    • Use fibre-rich food items.

    The patient is also recommended to do exercise daily. It burns the fat deposited in the body and lowers the calories.

    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQS)

    How can I lose 20 pounds in a month?

    20 Pounds is not that impossible task, You can lose weight easily by just good diet menu. Dr Nowzaradan diet can lead you to 20 pounds in a month.

    Is oatmeal good for weight loss?

    Yes, weight loss can be occurred by the help of oatmeal specially rolled or Steel-cut oats. The thing you need to avoid in this is just sugar and processed oats.

    How much oatmeal should I eat to lose weight?

    Dr Nowzaradan and other scientist suggest to take 1/2 cup of oats and this should be the main course for your breakfast and lunch.

    Dr Nowzaradan surgery cost?

    Dr now net worth is almost $6 Million. Dr now is doing surgeries from a long time but now he charges almost $60000 per surgery but this amount does not belong to him. There are many shares in this cost for external companies as Dr now works for a year in these weight loss films so obviously he gets good price per surgery.


    Dr Nowzaradan 1200 calorie diet plan is an approach to weight loss before bariatric surgery. The main aim of Dr Now is to deal with the patients who want to get rid of excess weight. This diet plan includes a strict balanced diet and physical exercise to overcome morbid obesity.

    The patient has to follow a daily meal plan or weekly meal plan to lose weight successfully. The details of Dr Nowzaradan diet plan has been discussed in his book “Scale Don’t lie, People Do” more briefly.

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