Monday, January 20, 2025

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    How to Tease Hair the Right Way

    There’s no shame in admitting to having jumped on the bandwagon of a past hair trend. The ’80s, for example, had many options in terms of hip hairstyles, though reminiscing on them might bring with it an eye roll or two. One thing is for sure: that particular decade didn’t skimp on the volume. While some big retro trends like fluffy bangs and side ponytails might best be left to Halloween costumes and scrapbooks, there’s still something to be said about hair teasing and how it has stood the test of time when done the right way.

    Knowing the right way to tease hair is a powerful trick in any stylist’s book. It can take a blowout from good to great in seconds and it can make an updo exponentially more full and secure. To avoid frizzy flashbacks, it’s important to know how to tease hair correctly and still maintain a sleek look. Here are the top tips and tricks for teasing hair the right way.

    Pre-Teasing Techniques

    Before even thinking about breaking out the teasing comb, stylists should take the time to learn about the client’s hair and use appropriate hair styling products to ensure a healthy look before teasing. Pre-teasing maintenance and care is vital because while teasing hair can have some great benefits, it can also have some negative effects on the overall look if the hair is not prepared correctly.

    For optimum teasing action that lasts all day or night, it’s important to have a bit of grit for the teased hair sections to grab onto. If day-old hair isn’t an option, go for products like a trusty dry shampoo or a texture spray that doesn’t play around (like the stylist-trusted What A Tease Backcomb in a Bottle Firm Volumizing Hairspray from SexyHair). Spray the dry product at the root sections of dry, tangle-free hair where teasing will later take place.

    Lastly, consider teasing a final touch when it comes to a client’s look. The styling process should be finished, including all washing, blowout, use of hot tools and both wet and dry products. Teasing is that little bit of oomph added in right at the end to give more body and volume to an otherwise finished look.

    Tips and Tricks for Teasing

    As stated above, the actual teasing should come after the client’s hair has been styled. Once the styling is complete, make sure to follow the steps in this easy teasing process:

    Start by making sure there are no tangles left over from using curling irons, straighteners or styling products. The area that will be backcombed should be armed with texture spray in order to hold the tease after styling is complete. Next, grab a salon-approved teasing comb. Depending on the client’s hair, this might include a traditional teasing comb, pick, rattail comb or any combination of the three. The key is to choose a fine-tooth comb that will brush back the hair enough to where it stays put.

    Once the client’s hair is prepared and the teasing tools are at the ready, stylists should work in small sections of hair to achieve the best results. To execute this properly, take a ¾ inch to 1-inch section of hair and lift it until the hair is standing vertically. From there, simply backcomb the hair one to three inches from the root (depending on the length of hair and intended volume) and move the comb towards the scalp and never comb it back in the natural direction.

    Repeat this process on multiple sections of hair until the desired level of body and volume is reached. It’s a good idea to start at the top of the client’s head and tease within the center section first before moving to the sides and the back of the hair. Once the initial teasing is done, it’s time to touch up the hair. To do this, take a pick or smoothing comb and gently move the teased hair into the desired shape and placement of the intended look. It’s important to smooth out only the top layer of hair in order to avoid ruining the teasing work.

    Once the hair has been smoothed into the final shape, it’s time to set things in place so that the teasing and styling lasts. There’s no better way to set this type of look than with powerful BigSexy hair products that are made for holding volume all day long. Use hairspray to set the look, whether it be a luxurious updo or free-flowing waves with tons of teasing on top. No matter what look is created in the end, the right tools, techniques and products will ensure top-notch teasing every time.

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