In recent years, medical marijuana use has been legalized in Texas up to a certain point. You can have very low-level THC marijuana to help with specific ailments you might suffer. If you think that marijuana could benefit you for a medical condition, relief could be on the way. Here’s everything you need to know about medical marijuana in Texas.
How to Qualify
To first qualify for medical marijuana in Texas, applicants must be 18 years or older (minors will need a parent or guardian applying on their behalf), have an approved condition, and be a resident in the state.
Marijuana Card Needed
Most states have a card system for medical marijuana use, including Texas. So you need to get a Texas cannabis card to be able to legally have access to it.
When you visit or consult with the doctor, they will determine whether you qualify to use marijuana for your medical conditions. The doctor must be registered with the Compassionate Use Registry of Texas (CURT) for proper approval. If you are approved, they will send in registration for you to CURT, along with dosage information. Once you are in the registry, which can immediately happen, you can contact a dispensary to obtain your marijuana. Your prescription will be valid for a certain period as determined by the doctor and can be renewed at their discretion.
Without having a card system, there is a need for more follow-ups by physicians to assess patients’ conditions. They will also evaluate whether the marijuana is working for the purpose for which it was prescribed. Doctors can then make any adjustments to prescriptions as they need.
Delivery of Your Product
In Texas, the only way to obtain medical marijuana legally is delivery. There are three dispensaries licensed to operate in the state, and they handle all of the distribution of medical marijuana. Once you contact them, they will deliver to your home address.
In Texas, there is a limit to the potency that you can receive. Currently, only low-THC cannabis oil is available. These products can have up to 0.5% THC and must have over 10% CBD. It is not legal to purchase any cannabis plant products or edibles. It also cannot be smoked, and you cannot grow it.
Texas Marijuana and Firearms
Currently, marijuana is still considered a controlled substance by the federal government, and Texas has not passed any laws to supersede this. It is, as of now, illegal for anyone with a controlled substance to own a firearm. This means, unfortunately, that those who even have obtained marijuana legally cannot own a firearm. They cannot purchase one, nor can someone else transfer ownership. If you want to get medical marijuana, you may have to choose between getting relief and owning your firearm.
Like many states, Texas has recognized a true medical benefit for many people to use marijuana. However, it is still a controlled substance and is subject to many laws and regulations. You must understand the process and the implications if you think that you might benefit from medical marijuana. You also need to decide if you believe that addiction or other side effects will be an issue. With all of the information in hand, you can take your medical marijuana journey to health and comfort.