Friday, July 26, 2024

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    Say NO To Cliche Vacations – Go For Something Different

    Travelling is a great way to learn, make friends, reduce stress,  and refresh yourself. Our planet is full of amazing places such as Salar de Uyuni in Bolivia, Kuang Si Falls in Laos, Torres del Paine National Park in Chile. But it seems that most people prefer tourist directions like Paris, Rome, Barcelona. These cities are beautiful, but the crowds of sellers and tourists ruin the atmosphere. The worst part is that you, as a visitor, can easily be ripped off since your journey is a real business for locals.

    Next summer you can book a plane ticket, stay in a hotel in the city center and eat in an expensive tourist restaurant. Or, you can expand your perspective, challenge yourself, and have an adventure. Once you become a travel-minded, you will never be bored again. That’s how you can break the pattern and be a real traveler:


    Walking from one bar to another is not exactly traveling. Most probably, it’s a drinking problem. If you want to see the most beautiful places in the world, you will have to walk a lot since there are no transport options. It will not only save you money, but it will also improve your health and give you an authentic feel.

    These are the best trekking routes in the world:

    The Annapurna Circuit Trek in Nepal

    According to experts in Kandoo Adventures, three weeks would be enough to see the Himalayas, explore peace-loving Tibetan culture, the quaint Buddhist temples, and monasteries. If you have 12 more days, consider also trekking to Everest base-camp.

    The best thing is that you will not be broke in a week of traveling. Nepal is a  budget-friendly travel destination. For instance, you can rent an apartment for less than 70$ per month.

    Fitz Roy Trek in Argentina

    The Fitz Roy trek is pretty long  (overall walking distance is 26 km) and high in terms of enjoyableness. If you want to visit Argentina, the best time to do it is from December to March. The trek is located in southern Patagonia. To get there, you would need to take a bus or plane from Buenos Aires. Once you are done with walking, you can also do whale watching in Puerto Madryn.

    The Inca Trail in Peru

    The Inca Trail in Peru is considered one of the top 5 treks in the world. You would need to walk around 40 km (not in one day!) to see lush cloud-forest, mountain scenery, Inca tunnels, and mountain scenery. The final destination for all trekkers is Machu Picchu, also known as the Lost City of the Incas. You will have a chance to learn history, meet other travelers and the locals and stir a sense of wonder in your soul!

    Once you are in the city, turn off you Google Maps and just walk around. Don’t forget to get lost since it can help you discover places that aren’t on the tourist map and meet new people (don’t hesitate to ask strangers for directions).

    Meet Locals

    Spending time with locals should definitely be on your To-Do list while traveling to new ingcountries. It is the only way to get a sense of the nation’s distinct culture. The most important thing here is to avoid setting up expectations and requirements. Don’t think how it should look like; just be open to meet as many locals as you can.

    Nowadays, meeting new people became easier, thanks to the Internet. All you need are a Wi-Fi connection and a little bit of courage. There are a few platforms that can help you:


    A person who came up with this idea is genius. You can register and find local hosts and guides. There are no fees to pay; the whole concept is based on people’s enthusiasm. To find a host or a guide, you need to fill out your profile and add some of your photos. You shouldn’t ignore this since it is the first thing locals see. So, try to make your Couch-surfing description as detailed as possible. Also, include information about your skills. For instance, you can write that you are a great cook, a parachute jumper or painter. Offer something to other people, and they will be glad to become a part of your journey.

    Whether you want to stay in their house or just take a walk with them, it’s up to you. Don’t forget to bring little presents from your native country. There is no obligation to do so, but it can be a nice gesture.

    Other apps

    Besides Couch-surfing, you can also try Meetup, Craigslist, local Facebook groups, and language exchanges. A lot of people would love to improve their English, so be helpful. In return, they can show you around and invite you to the local parties.

    If you travel alone ( and you are single), feel free to use Tinder or other dating apps to meet locals. Write in your bio that you are a traveler and would love to explore a new culture. At least, it would be fair. As stated above, don’t expect anything; just go with the flow and see what comes next.

    Unplug yourself

    Nowadays, people feel a strong urge to post everything that is happening. For us, it is a way to stay connected to the world and express ourselves. Let’s face it,  we want to make our vacation look perfect on social media. That’s why most of us spend hours taking pictures, editing them, and writing descriptions.

    If you truly want to enjoy your travel, unplug yourself. It will help you stay in the present moment and notice beautiful new things. Take photos but don’t be obsessed with it, post them on your way back home. Turn off notifications if you can, delete Instagram and Facebook for a while.

    Take notes

    You don’t have to be a writer to keep a journal, so describe everything you see and feel during your trip. Stepping out of your comfort zone might inspire you, so make sure to have a notebook and a pen with you.

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