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    Sustain your Weight Loss through Bariatric Surgery

    Everyone’s desire is to keep fit and remain healthy. The best way to sustain a healthy weight level is to maintain a balance between the calories you eat and drink and the calories you burn. If you happen to be overweight or obese, the only way to shed off some pounds is to burn more calories than you consume. Exercise pays off in losing weight and keeping fit. However, sometimes it becomes merely impossible to sustain, especially when you still crave for that delicious pack of fries or ice-cream.

    Surgical Alternatives

    To achieve long-term success in your battle against obesity and overweight, you can utilize a variety of proven methods, including doctor-supervised weight loss and bariatric surgery. Just be sure to work with a certified physician or surgeon. Weight loss surgery Texas provides a great alternative for obese patients looking to lose weight and improve their overall health in the long run.

    Surgical weight loss and medical weight loss (MWL) provides a viable solution for people looking to lose several pounds. It is, however, advisable to participate in a doctor-supervised medical program to ensure safety and sustainability. Again, different weight loss surgeries work differently for different people. It is important to choose an experienced weight loss surgeon who can evaluate your condition and suggest the best option for you.

    Benefits of Weight Loss Surgery

    Weight loss surgery, sometimes referred to as Bariatric surgery, is suited for people who have not registered success with other weight loss methods like exercise and dieting. It works by reducing your stomach’s storage capacity or nutrient absorption capacity. In other words, it helps you reduce food intake and makes you feel fuller for longer.

    There are four common types of bariatric surgery: gastric bypass, gastric placation, sleeve gastrectomy, and gastric banding. Your weight loss surgeon will determine which option best suits your condition. Obese people who need to lose more than 65 pounds have often tried several methods to lose weight on their own. While some have noticed some significant success, more than 95 percent of the people regain the weight in another 5 years.

    Bariatric surgery offers the following sustained weight loss benefits:

    Long-term mitigation for type 2 diabetes

    Recent studies suggest that bariatric surgery helps with long-term remission of stubborn type 2 diabetes. The procedure is especially helpful for obese patients suffering type 2 diabetes. It allows patients to remain free of insulin and adjunct medications for up to three years after the surgery.

    Improves cardiovascular health

    A sustained weight loss through bariatric surgery reduces the risks of coronary heart disease, peripheral heart disease, and stroke. After the surgery, cholesterol levels and blood pressure can return to normal or near normal. This reduces the risks of cardiovascular health and improves your overall well-being.

    Relieves depression

    Poor body image and social stigma often push many obese people into depression, especially when their countless efforts to lose weight hit a snug. Even younger people with overweight find it extremely difficult to participate in co-curriculum activities they could possibly enjoy, which leads to social isolation and depression. Weight loss surgery can help you improve emotional health and raise self-esteem.

    Eliminates obstructive sleep apnea & infertility

    When you achieve and sustain a normal weight range, your sleep apnea symptoms will significantly reduce. Weight loss may also improve fertility during child-bearing ages.

    There are many different factors to consider when choosing the type of weight loss surgery to go for. Consult your doctor and choose a procedure that best suits your personality. Some patients consider surgical risks or reversibility when choosing a bariatric surgery type. Others consider the expected amount of weight loss or the chances of the procedure curing some underlying conditions like reflux or diabetes.

    Ultimately, you have the best chance of success when you get the support of an experienced medical team. This includes surgeons, nurses, bariatric medical physicians, psychologists, dieticians, and endocrinologists.

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