Saturday, July 27, 2024

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    Why It’s Time to Overhaul Your Bedroom Closet (and How Inspired Closets Can Help)

    There’s no better time to take a good hard look at your bedroom closet than just as we begin to settle into winter. Thanks to more time inside, you can’t help but notice what works – and what doesn’t – about your current space.

    For example, are you able to find what you need quickly? Or do you have so much in your closet that you don’t wear, you have no idea where to find what you do? If the answer to either or both of these questions is “No.”, then it’s time to give your bedroom closet an organized fresh start.

    The positive momentum of a brand-new year makes it easy to get organized and tackle whatever comes your way. And while you might finally be ready and are eager to make a change, you might not know exactly how to start.

    We recently asked Mike Wolf, Director of Marketing for Inspired Closets, to share his thoughts on this topic, and how having an organized home positively impacts more than just your closet, and how designing and installing custom closets is easier than you think.

    Your Space Matters

    If you think having an intentional plan for your organizational needs only happens on Pinterest, it’s time to think again. In recent years astonishing new studies have found the incredibly real (and often detrimental) negative effects of seeing and living in cluttered or disorganized home spaces.

    The human brain is wired to prefer seeing spaces with a sense of order rather than chaos.

    Constant visual reminders of disorganization can affect us on the surface level and also impact us subconsciously. When our brains receive these negative cues, it can immediately trigger feelings of stress and depression, and do lasting damage to working memory and recall ability.

    “Your mental and physical wellbeing are connected,” explains Wolf.

    “Think of it as a conversation. Each day they exchange information and depending on how that conversation goes, it can impact your overall perspective and in turn, your health. When one is balanced and organized, the other can improve, but unfortunately, the opposite is true as well. Ensuring your space makes sense is an easy way to give yourself a much-needed sense of relief.”

    A clean and organized space is a strong foundation for a healthy mental state. Recognizing the need to pursue that for your home is the first step. The next is making a plan and taking action to make it happen.

    Inspired Closets Can (Really) Help

    While it might be tempting to roll up your sleeves and start throwing away the first thing you see, Wolf and his team recommend a more intentional approach. “The first step doesn’t actually involve touching a thing, but instead starting with a commitment to making an organized change throughout your home,” says Wolf.

    “Upon committing to making a change, it’s time to make a plan. Make a list of the spaces you want to organize, listing the ones that cause you the most stress or are the most disorganized first. Make notes about what works – and what doesn’t – about each space and then make a list of your needs and wants.”

    Continues Wolf, “This step is key because it helps you identify what kind of solution you need to truly make a difference. Maybe you need to edit your clothes to fit the space you have and that alone will have the impact you seek. However, it’s more likely that you’ll discover that regardless of how much you need to store, the layout and design of your space is holding you back from being organized. By working through these questions for each and every space, you’ll find the entire process more manageable and in turn, you’ll be more likely to succeed.”

    Once you are ready to begin you need to be laser-focused on removing the clutter.

    “After emptying your space, you need to make sure to take time to give it a very thorough, deep clean,” explains Wolf, “and no matter how much you might want to avoid it, deep cleaning is the very essence of a truly fresh start. You need to see your space completely empty – and completely clean – so that you can finally begin to imagine the possibilities.”

    “You’ll know how much space you have to work with and can think about what kind of cosmetic adjustments you’d like to make. Things like new paint, fixtures, or flooring are just a few that come to mind. These are all key elements in creating a new space that can truly inspire you each and every day.”

    Inspired Closets’ customization process is designed to suit the needs of the person and space. From the initial design to deciding what products and accessories are best suited to the area, Wolf and his team can help you determine the ultimate goal of each space and recommend complementary designs to help you achieve the outcome that you are hoping for.

    And thanks to the Inspired Closets exclusive software, you’ll be able to see your finished design before it’s installed, letting you know exactly how it will look once your project is complete.

    Consistency counts. And when you have a consistent experience while designing your custom closet, when it’s finally time for installation day, you’ll feel like you are exactly where you are supposed to be, excited and ready to see your space transformed.

    Now’s the Time for a Fresh Start …

    Having your personal spaces in order has never been more important than it is now. Just as you should not stop aiming to better your physical self, the same energy should be put into improving your home.

    How these spaces are laid out, and what kind of effort is put into their upkeep, can boost or drag your overall mental well-being. Which way it goes depends entirely on your choices. The tools are out there, it’s just a matter of making them a priority, and asking the experts for a helping hand.

    “We’re in the business of helping your physical space become one that not only keeps your home organized but helps you calm the chaos in your very busy days,” says Wolf.

    “Whether it’s a custom closet, garage, or home office, your home is meant to be an oasis from the chaos and a place that helps you and your family feel calm and relaxed. Getting organized doesn’t need to be a stressful experience. Instead, we make sure that designing your custom space is easy and fun, helping you every step of the way while you see your home transformed one space at a time.”

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